


This is a teaser of my story “War of Rebirth” that I will be posting here for all of you to read.   At least the first chapters.  This is just a teaser of it so let me know if you like it 😉


Chapter I. The War

May 29th 2090.

This is the transcript of the relevant information we could obtain from the prisoners during their time in the camp before the incident last monday. I leave these as well as the recordings in the hands of a courier as well as the last four vials we found in hopes that it will reach to you safely. I have to apologize because some of the files might be unordered as our storage unit was damaged during one of the raids and we had to salvage as much as we could.

El piso desgastado del lugar se ilumina con las luces que anuncian su diaria función. Un viejo ratón pasa su escoba por los rincones que la noche pasada no terminaron aseados; de vez en cuando se agacha a recoger un papel o dos.

Él con elegante traje de gala y sus teclas como perlas que acarician mis dedos cuando aparecen las notas.

Yo, desaliñado.